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Cách làm hoa theo kiểu RUFFLE FLOWERL đơn giản

Cập nhật: 17/08/2014 - 09:47 ( Lượt xem: 5.035 )

Cách làm hoa theo kiểu RUFFLE FLOWERL đơn giản

Hunnie Cake ( - Dạy làm bánh - Đặt bánh cưới, sinh nhật


All I used was some pink fondant, some edible pearls, a toothpick and my circle cutters (which I’m sure by now, you know that I use these a lot!!)

Cut out 3 circles (I used my largest circle, then skipped one and used the next, then skipped on and used the next), and roll up a ball of fondant.

Grab your toothpick and using both hands, roll the toothpick around the fondant to frill the edges

Frill all 3 circles

Stick each circle and the ball on top of each other with a dab of water

Dab some water around the ball of fondant and add your sugar pearls

Gently stick a toothpick through the back centre of the flower and place in a flower forming cup, or use a muffin case as I did!

Leave overnight to harden.

Next, with the cake, separate into 3 layers and fill with any filling (I’ve used my Italian Meringue Buttercream), and then do a rough coat (called a crumb coat) and refrigerate for 10mins. I also refrigerate after layering my cake so that the layers don’t squish down once you start icing.

Ice your cake thickly and then using a scraper, or a ’90 degree ruler thing’ (no idea what the proper name of this is!! But I bought it from a local hardware shop for about $6), scrape around the cake so you end up with a smooth finish.

Smooth off the top and then using your spatula, hold against your cake whilst spinning the turntable – this will make a line at the top of the cake. Once you get back to the start, lower the spatula and make another line… and then repeat.

You are going for the ‘shabby chic’ look, so it doesn’t have to be perfect!! And the best thing is, if you’re not happy with it, it is very easy to smooth on some more icing and start again!

Refrigerate and then all you have to do to decorate is to push in the flower (easy when it is attached to a toothpick)

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